Year 6

Year 6 2023 – 2024

Meet the Team

Hello, I am Mrs Fraser and I am a Year 6 teacher at Norths site, I am also Year Lead and KS2 Assistant Headteacher.

I always wanted to be a teacher, I told my nan at the age of 4 that I wanted to be a teacher and to her great delight I achieved that goal.

I have been teaching for over 20 years now and I absolutely love my job. I also love spending time with my family and friends and travelling to lots of different places around the world, including Florida, Jamaica and the Maldives.

If I could give you some advice it would be: always reach for the stars, work hard and you will achieve great things.

Hi, I am Mrs Dunkley and I teach Year 6 at South Site. When I was little I always wanted to be either a teacher or a vet.

I have done lots of interesting things in my life before I finally became a teacher-for ten years I was an obedience dog trainer and judged competitions all over the U.K.

I even competed at Crufts! I worked as an animal handler on film sets and as a zoo keeper at Whipsnade Zoo. I have always loved fencing and trained in Hungary for a time too. However, I did finally settle into teaching, which I love, and have been teaching Year 6 for a long, long time now. If I could give one piece of advice it would be: believe and you can achieve!

Hello! I’m Miss Stear and I am one of the Year 6 teachers at North site.

I love spending time with family, friends and animals - I have recently adopted two guinea pigs! In my spare time I enjoy settling down on the sofa with a good book and a hot chocolate, over the summer holidays I have loved reading the Charlie Bone series.

The advice I would like to give you for the year ahead is always never give up and always believe in yourself!

Hello, I’m Miss Berryman and I teach Year 6 at North site on Tuesdays. I also teach 3A on Thursdays and Fridays.

I love all sports and I am PE lead at SMSG. In my spare time I enjoy exercising and playing my guitar. I love climbing mountains and exploring forests – I think nature is amazing! When I get home from adventurous days out, I love eating pizza and watching the Harry Potter movies!

Hi Everybody. My name is Mrs Mills, I am the Year 6 Teaching Assistant and live in the Year 6 Shared Area.

I have 2 daughters who are grown up and flown the nest, so it is quite quiet at home with just my husband and I. I love anything to do with animals and visit both London and Whipsnade Zoos quite frequently.

I enjoy swimming, walking and reading, when I'm not running my Rainbow and Brownie Units. I am looking forward to working with you all in Year 6 - as it is a FAB Year!

My name is Mrs Titchmarsh but I'm known as Mrs T. I have worked at South site for 18 years.

I have worked from early years up to year 6. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

In my spare time I like to do some crafts and create things. I like to make birthday cakes and enjoy baking.

Curriculum Newsletters and Home Learning

Autumn Term 1

Yr 6 Aut 1 Home Learning

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2023

Autumn Term 2

Year 6 Aut 2 Home Learning

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2023

Y6 Trips and Visits parent presentation 10.1.24

Year 6 Trips and Visits 23-24

Spring 1

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2024

Yr 6 Spr 1 Home Learning

Spring 2

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2 2024

Year 6 Spr 2 Home Learning

Summer 1

Yr 6 Sum 1 Home Learning

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1 2024

Summer 2

Yr 6 Sum 2 Home Learning

Year 6 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 2 2024

SATs Information Evening

Senior leaders delivered a SATs information evening for parents on 18th March 2024. There are many resources showing how you can support your children attached in the presentation and information about what the tests include.

SATS-parents-evening-18th March 2024