Restorative Practice
Supporting children at SMSG
As a school, we believe that part of preparing children for the next stage in their life is helping them to understand how to behave appropriately and show respect to others and the environment we live and work in. Throughout the school we expect a total consistency of expectation that everyone, regardless of gender, race or culture) should feel safe, secure and able to learn. All children are encouraged to develop empathy and respect for others. We place a high value on individual achievements and on celebrating the achievements of others.
What is restorative practice?
Restorative practice is a set of principles and practice that encourages children to take responsibility for their behaviour by thinking through the causes and consequences. Our school believes in building positive relationships between children, staff and parents. We believe that how people behave around one and another makes all the difference in the world. Therefore, we thrive to build positive relationships and to create a positive learning environment for all.
How do we do this?
Circle Times
These are daily sessions which all children take part in. A circle time is where everyone has the opportunity to speak and listen to others. The circle leader will encourage everyone to follow the school values to promote a calming and welcoming circle. The circles focus on feelings, attitudes, beliefs and opinions.
Restorative dialogue
Children can fall out from time to time. It is part of growing up and developing an understanding of self and those around us. On the occasions where this may happen staff use one approach, our restorative dialogue.
We follow three simple steps when addressing any behaviour conflicts at school. This involves a range of open ended questions which supports the children in coming to a positive and meaningful conclusion. The members involved in the conflict will meet in a safe area where together they take time in talking to each other with the support of a restorative facilitator, a member of staff. The facilitator will ask what has happened, how it made them feel and what they can do to fix it. By consistently modelling this language we are encouraging children to take responsibility for their behaviour and to take ownership of what has happened. This overtime will become embedded in the children’s mindset and they will take the first steps in fixing their own conflicts before involving the restorative leaders.
Class teachers and support staff may speak with parents either at the end of the day or via the telephone to share when restorative practice has been used. It is important that staff and parents work together on this approach to ensure that things are resolved in a timely manner.
Where can I find out more information?
Feel free to come and speak to any member of staff about our journey or visit